Ep 007 – The Power of Group and Ednesha’s First Date


On this episode of the BeREAL Podcast, Diana and Ednesha are joined by Sean Grover, LCSW to discuss group therapy both in person and online. 


Sean Grover is a psychotherapist and author with 25 years experience leading therapy groups and working with parents. Sean’s parenting book, WHEN KIDS CALL THE SHOTS: How to Seize Control from Your Darling Bully–and Enjoy Parenting Again was named Best New Nonfiction from Publishers Weekly and has also been published in Chinese, Korean, and Russian. Sean’s Psychology Today parenting blog has gathered three and a half million reads and he has been a featured guest on The Today Show.


Sean is brought in to discuss the benefits of group therapy, and how it differs from individual counseling. He goes into the details of how to find a group that is the right fit for you, and he explains how he creates group dynamics. He offers anecdotes of how having the wrong people in one group can cause discomfort, but also recounts stories of how putting the right people together can bring joy and ease to all members attending the sessions. Some characteristics he touches on that can truly make a group great are maturity, diversity, and personality. Some of Sean’s groups have been around since the 90’s and he gives great examples of how group therapy can become a second family over time and truly help human growth. 


The episode concludes with the trio discussing how group therapy has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Sean explains the technical and personal issues that arose due to this transition and talks on how he overcame those hurdles to restore his groups’ dynamics remotely. 


As always, thank you for your continued support of the BeREAL Podcast. Until next week, more information on Sean and BeWELL Psychotherapy can be found below:


Sean Grover: 




BeWELL Psychotherapy:






facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Be.WELL.Psychotherapy/


instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bewell.psychotherapy/


Hello Herd:





Ep 008 The Collective Feeling – Grief: A Conversation with Diana and Ednesha
Ep 006 Relationships, Social Distance Dating, and I’ll Circle Back to That


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