Ep 006 Relationships, Social Distance Dating, and I’ll Circle Back to That

BeREAL, podcast

melanie stitt


On this week’s episode of the BeREAL Podcast, Diana and Ednesha are joined by Melanie Stitt to further discuss social isolation and what dating is like during a pandemic. Melanie is a licensed social worker with the BeWELL Psychotherapy team in Manhattan, and she runs a private practice in Philadelphia as well. 


The team of therapists dive into the topic of social isolation and examine it from all angles. They discuss the trials some people might be facing if they live alone as well as the issues that can arise from sharing space with others during this time. The trio give their own personal accounts of how they are handling social isolation and explain how important it is to acknowledge that everyone will be dealing with the COVID-19 lockdowns differently. They brainstorm appropriate ways to reach out if you know someone who might not want to talk about their mental health at this time, but may be struggling due to the virus. 


Other occurrences that can have harsh effects on mental health at this time are milestone moments. More specifically, the cancellation of milestone moments. Along with Melanie, your hosts offer solutions to help remedy the hurt many people might be feeling due to missing senior prom, graduation, weddings, birthdays, vacations, or other events that they were looking forward to. 


The conversation shifts and the team addresses how the dating landscape has changed during this time. They give examples of creative ways people are still putting themselves out there and meeting new people through dating apps, all while adhering to the social distancing guidelines. They also look at the way couples’ dynamics are changing, now that they either can’t see each other at all (if they’re isolating separately), or they see their partner every hour of every day (if they’re isolating together). 


We want to give a big thank you to everyone who has supported the podcast so far. We hope you are all safe and healthy during this time and are finding ways to maintain good mental health. We look forward to you joining us next week for an all new episode of the BeREAL Podcast. Until then, more information about the podcast and the BeWELL Psychotherapy practice can be found below:






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