Ep 003 Let’s Talk Our New Normal – Social/Physical Distancing

BeREAL, podcast


In episode three of The BeREAL Podcast, Diana and Ednesha cover the inception of the podcast and relate it to a discussion about the ways to maintain good mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Routine becomes a big issue that is covered in this episode, because maintaining as normal of a routine as possible during this time is critical for a healthy mind. Your hosts examine the possible mental health implications posed by the coronavirus, and highlight the ways that this extra free time can be used to be productive and experiment with new mindfulness activities. The conversation turns back to the BeWELL Psychotherapy practice as the pair elaborate on the ways that therapists are handling the pandemic. The two explain the ways that they are attempting to cater to their patients’ needs during this time while also keeping track of their own mental health.

This pandemic is constantly changing and each day brings new triumphs and challenges, but it is important for us all to learn how to “pivot” our daily routine and come out on the other side both mentally and physically healthy. The team here at BeREAL and BeWELL is wishing you all the best during this uncertain time, and we welcome you to visit us at www.bewellpsychotherapy.com. Thank you for all the support so far on The BeREAL Podcast, until next week.


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