Ep. 062 – Part 2 “More Joy Parenting”

BeREAL, podcast

Welcome back to the BeREAL Podcast! Continuing on from last week, Diana and Ednesha are once again joined by the team at More Joy Parenting. Dr. Marcella Runell Hall, Nicki Henry, Annaliese Kittrell, Michelle Van-Ess Grant, Dr. Keisha L. Green, and Eden Jeffries call in to discuss the More Joy Parenting Workshops and Coaching Sessions. 

Image of the team at More Joy Parenting. Here today to discuss their parenting workshops. Image reads "BeREAL The podcast: Episode 61 Part 2 "More Joy Parenting"

More Joy Parenting is a collective of like-minded parents and caregivers interested in creating space to share resources, ideas and support. The passion for centering marginalized, and in particular youth experiences, stems from the lived experiences of all the More Joy Parenting (MJP) team members. The intellectual and creative work to formally create MJP began in early 2019 with a seed of an idea, and the website launched on December 1, 2020. But in many ways, MJP is a culmination of personal and professional work that has been lifelong for most of us. There is a synchronicity of minds, professional experience and shared narrative that creates the heartbeat for this work.


Marcella starts off the episode by outlining all of More Joy Parenting’s offerings. She goes over the free resources available on their website, the coaching sessions they offer that focus on support and accountability, and the parenting workshops which fall into three categories. The categories are life changes (trauma, etc.), race and intersectionality, and classes on how to find your parenting voice. The team also highlights the reading material that is available on the More Joy Parenting website through Dreamland with Aaliyah.


To finish the episode, the team explains the ways in which they make their workshops accessible to people of all backgrounds. And after, they close out the episode with one big last hoorah all about reality TV.


Thank you so much for tuning into BeREAL this week. Be on the lookout for an all new episode next Tuesday. In the meantime, make sure you check out last week’s episode which is the first part of our conversation with More Joy Parenting.


For more information on More Joy Parenting and their team, visit the links below:


Website: www.morejoyparenting.com


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/morejoyparenting/


Twitter: https://www.facebook.com/morejoyparenting/


For more information on BeREAL (our mental wellness podcast) and BeWELL (our therapy practice in New York City and Hoboken, NJ) visit the links below:


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