Nature Meets Nurture


 By Liz Buehler Walker

Promo image of nature for our nature versus nurture blog. Image reads "Natures meets nurture"

On a recent scorching summer afternoon, I took my son Justice to the Museum of Modern Art. We walked around a bit then settled onto a bench, surrounded by masterpieces of art. Justice was in his element for sure, chilling out in a cool room, drawing in his sketchbook, inspired by the paintings he was sketching. 


From the time Justice was a tiny baby, before he could even talk, he’d trace the features of my face with his finger in the air. Then when he could draw and write he had an innate ability to see things in a particular way and render them onto the page. 


Is his artistry nature or nurture? How about the way his body overheats during the summer? Or his natural “early to bed, early to rise” sleep rhythm? 


What if we looked at it less as nature VERSUS nurture and more as nature MEETS nurture. Or inner nature meets the natural world? 


BeWELL’s Indigo108 program uses this inner/outer nature lens and the practices of Ayurveda — including Yoga and meditation — to cultivate your physical wellbeing along with your mental health. Ayurveda is the Indian Life Science of physical, mental and spiritual wellness. Ayurveda is about understanding your own true nature and having awareness of how the natural world supports your strengths or aggravates your vulnerabilities. 



  •     The microcosm of your physical body is part of the macrocosm of the natural world
  •     We are the embodiment of the 5 Mahabhutas (natural elements): Space, Air, Fire, Water, Earth
  •     Discomfort and disease occur when one or more Mahabhutas (elements) shows up excessively in you
  •     Physical, mental and spiritual health are maintained by cultivating balance through the laws of nature


When we approach health and wellbeing with the Ayurvedic framework, we work towards understanding ourselves and our tendencies, plus seeing how our environment affects us personally. “Ayurveda is the product of a civilization deeply rooted in Mother Nature.

A fundamental tenet of the Ayurvedic system of medicine is the principle of similarity between macrocosm and microcosm. We human beings are made of the same “stuff” the rest of the universe is made up of. “ – Yoga and Ayurveda Master Acharya Shunya




Johns Hopkins Medicine states “goals of treatment aid the person by 


  •     eliminating impurities


  •     reducing symptoms


  •     increasing resistance to disease


  •     reducing worry/anxiety


  •     increasing harmony in life”


These broad categories include








When we link our inner nature with the laws of the natural world, it brings us to a place of less separation, more support. In a recent Ayurveda workshop facilitated by Krishna Dholakia of Om & Spice, she said “A lot of ancient traditions, when they look at health and balance, they don’t just stop at the physical body. They look at health and balance in nature and relationship with nature and the environment…. And when you can start to observe how that applies to you uniquely, it can be life changing”.


My son’s true nature is creative and artistic. He’s full of energy like the sun that burns brightly, but then he needs a break or that fiery energy will burn him out. How would you describe your emotional and physical true nature? When, where and with whom do you thrive?


The Indigo108 program is designed to honor your unique life experience while utilizing an approach that has been time tested (over 5,000 years) to bring vitality and balance to your body, mind and soul. Each person receives personalized attention and interactive feedback to unstick your blocked places and support your most vibrant life. 




“5 Great Elements of Nature That Mirror Our Being” by Acharya Shunya


“Ayurveda” from John’s Hopkind Medicine


Krishna Dholakia / Om & Spice