Ep 073 – Wellness Warrior Coaching

BeREAL, podcast

Welcome back to BeREAL! This week, Diana and Ednesha are joined by Transformational Coach Cathy Mckinnon. Cathy is here today to speak about Wellness Warrior Coaching.

Image of transformational coach, Cathy Mckinnon. Image reads "BeREAL The Podcast - Episode 72 - Wellness Warrior Coaching"

Cathy begins the episode by telling her story. She experienced, what she calls, the trifecta: infertility, divorce, and cancer. All three of these events changed the way she wanted to live, and now she uses them as the building blocks in her business at Wellness Warrior Coaching. Her goal with her coaching is to help women step into their power. She does this with 90 day programs that are designed so the client can go off on their own and succeed.


Cathy continues by stressing how important it is for women to ask themselves what they want their life to look like and what message they want to leave behind. For Cathy, she wanted to be the best mom possible for her son (who she calls her miracle baby). Part of this journey requires an assessment of your current situation. Many women hold onto their old lifestyle (their 9-5 jobs, etc.) because there is comfort in the familiar. However, breaking the paradigm is what paves the way to a better life.


After a short break, the women return to discuss what a consultation with Cathy looks like. She runs Diana through a mock intake. She asks Diana about BeWELL and its many platforms, and Diana discusses how she is uncomfortable with success. Success can be scary because it also means things can then go wrong. Cathy introduces the idea that everything can go wrong at all times, what’s important is asking yourself, “what happens if this goes right?” She then goes on to explain the next step of the journey is drawing (literally or figuratively) how you want to present yourself in the future. 


Thank you so much for tuning into BeREAL this week. Be on the lookout for an all new episode next week. In the meantime, make sure you check out last week’s episode on Money Emotions


For more information on Cathy and Wellness Warrior Coaching, visit the links below:


Website: https://www.wellnesswarriorcoaching.com/


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wellnesswarriorcoaching/


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wellnesswarriorcoaching/


For more information on BeREAL (our mental wellness podcast) and BeWELL (our therapy practice in New York City and Hoboken, NJ) visit the links below:


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