Navigating the Fear of the Unknown: Finding Steadiness in Uncertain Times


Navigating through life’s uncertainties often brings a mix of anticipation and, for many of us, a deep sense of apprehension and even fear. The feeling of not knowing what the future holds is often linked to significant events that mark a period of change or transition in our lives, but it doesn’t necessarily have to. Sometimes, we just find ourselves overwhelmed by the unknown. At BeWELL, our therapists and mind- body coaches can help you navigate the feelings of anxiety, stress, uncertainty, fear, and even sadness that so many of us experience at different times in our lives.  If you are experiencing some of these feelings, you are not alone and it is possible to find your footing, even when the ground beneath you seems to be shifting.

In these moments, it is vital to anchor ourselves by managing our big emotions, fears, and confusion, all of which weigh heavily on our mental and emotional well-being. “When your world feels out of your control and unsteady, remember you have survived hard times. You have come through the toughest storms in life. You are allowed to feel the weight of heavy emotions and also tap into your inner strength,” advises Divya Robin, ​​LMHC and BeWELL therapist. The professionals at BeWELL, including therapists and mind-body coaches, are dedicated to helping individuals navigate these challenging periods of uncertainty, providing support and guidance to anyone in need, regardless of their beliefs or backgrounds.

If you’re one of the many who aren’t sure where to begin in facing uncertain times or big changes in your life, consider these strategies to help steer you towards a more centered and hopeful outlook:

1. Acknowledge Your Feelings Without Judgement

It’s vital to recognize and validate your feelings. The emotions you’re experiencing—be it fear, anger, sadness, or confusion—are legitimate responses to your environment or a big change in your life. Suppressing these feelings often exacerbates stress, whereas acknowledging them is the first step toward managing them effectively. “The most important thing to remember about validating your feelings, is doing so without judgment. Try to remember that having a feeling, regardless of what that feeling is, is ok. Our feelings are not innately “good” or “bad”, even if they are uncomfortable, so when you notice you’re having them, your job is just to notice them, not to categorize them or deem them worthy, useful, good, bad or anything in between.” says BeWELL Mind-Body Coach and Wellness Coordinator, Cristin Van Horn.  

2. Engage in Mindful Practices

Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga, can be incredibly effective in reducing stress and anxiety.” says Cristin “Essentially, mindfulness is a moment to moment awareness in the present moment, where we simply pay attention without judgment or striving toward any particular goal. These practices allow us to exist as we are in the moment, rather than rehearsing the past or planning for the future.” 

Using these types of practices can help anchor you in the present moment, easing the worries about an uncertain future. Regular mindfulness practice has been shown to enhance emotional regulation and cultivate a sense of inner peace.

3. Stay Connected to Your People

Isolation can magnify fears, whereas community provides strength. Staying connected with supportive friends, family, and allies can be extremely useful when you feel uncertain or uneasy about the future. Joining community organizations, support groups, or online collectives can offer you a platform to find common ground with like minded people and can help lessen the burden of uncertainty.

4. Channel Emotions into Action

Channeling your emotions into constructive action can help to transform your feelings of helplessness into empowerment, in the face of uncertainty. Taking action, no matter the scale, reinforces your agency and contributes to broader societal change. Equipping yourself with knowledge to better understand the situations or changes you’re facing can reduce fear of the unknown and help you to feel more in control over your own life. And directing your energy towards actionable steps can help to secure your own well-being and make a positive impact on your immediate environment.

5. Prioritize Self-Care

During times of heightened stress, self-care is paramount. “You’re allowed to feel tired, frustrated, or even hopeless. You’re not alone in these feelings. Small acts of self-care can be empowering and allows you to focus on what is in your control. It also gives you more strength and energy for advocacy and community work to use your voice and engage in your support systems” says Divya. 

Ensure you’re taking care of your physical health through adequate sleep, nutrition, and exercise or by engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether that’s reading, taking nature walks, or pursuing a hobby. Self-care builds resilience, equipping you to better handle stress.

6. Seek Professional Support

If your anxiety is overwhelming or if your symptoms are showing up in your body, seeking support from a mental health professional can be invaluable. The therapists and mind-body coaches here at be.WELL specialize in anxiety and stress management, and can offer coping strategies tailored to your needs. Our integrated approach provides a safe space to explore your fears and develop tools to manage them, while also giving you ways to handle your body’s response to these powerful emotions.

Be.WELL Can Help

Navigating the fear of the unknown is an inherently human challenge. It’s a journey that calls for resilience, hope, and a belief that each of us holds the capability to withstand times of uncertainty. But you are not alone, therapy and mind-body coaching at Be.WELL can serve as valuable resources. Our professionals are adept at guiding individuals through these complicated emotions. With a holistic approach that encompasses both mental and physical well-being, and offices in both Hoboken, New Jersey, and Manhattan, we are here to help you find the balance that’s right for you. 

Schedule A Free Consultation With a BeWELL therapist or mind-body coach HERE.