Ep 092 – Indigo108 Takeover


Hello and welcome back to BeREAL! BeWELL’s Health and Wellness counselor, Liz Buehler Walker, will be taking over the podcast for the rest of 2021 to talk about the new wellness initiative Indigo108. For the first episode of the takeover, she will be interviewing BeWELL founder, and the usual host of BeREAL, Diana Gasperoni


Liz begins the episode by asking Diana about her spiritual chart placements. Diana explains that she is a double Virgo as well as a Pitta dominant guided by Vata. As a fun fact, Diana throws out that every room in her apartment has hot pink incorporated into the decor somehow. Liz picks up that color is a way to express our spirituality and the hot pink appeals to Diana because of the fiery nature of Pitta.


Liz continues by asking Diana to talk about why the two of them founded Indigo108. Diana traces the practice all the way back to when she was a yoga teacher in college. She is a big believer of “the body keeps score” and has always encouraged numerous ways through work through trauma both physically and mentally. In therapy sessions, she would ask patients about their pain and what the pain would say were it able to speak. Many patients had a hard time talking about experiences in their bodies. However, it is important for Diana that her patients can find freedom in both body and mind to help them expand their emotions and move forward with life.


Next, the two get into a conversation about how therapists usually just connect with psychiatrists outside of the office. However, there are so many types of wellness practitioners, yet they never communicate together if they are seeing the same patient. It is important for both Diana and Liz that their patients have a treatment team supporting them. Having the Indigo108 within BeWELL allows patients to engage in multiple forms of wellness care and have their practitioners actually communicate and work together for the patient. When you have a team behind you, BeWELL believes that you will notice that you “do” life much more often, instead of letting life be done to you or over-focusing on planning. 


To finish off the episode, Liz begins a new tradition: a portable practice. She leads listeners and Diana through an abridged version of what they can expect in Indigo108 sessions while on the journey to feel safe within themselves. 


Thank you so much for tuning into the Indigo108 takeover this week. Be on the lookout for another episode next Tuesday!


For more information on Indigo108, BeREAL (our mental wellness podcast), and BeWELL (our therapy practice in New York City and Hoboken, NJ) visit the links below:


To schedule a therapy appointment text BeWELL to 484848 today 




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