Ep 029 – A Special and Intimate Conversation with Alex Elle, Author, Wife, Mother, Community as Self Care

BeREAL, podcast



Welcome back to the BeREAL podcast! This week, Diana and Ednesha are joined by Alex Elle to discuss all things self care and how to get in touch with your own needs. 

Photo of Alex Elle, a self care specialist. This photo includes the words, "BeREAL Podcast Episode 029 "A special and intimate conversation with Alex Elle." In this episode we speak about her new book "After the rain," motherhood and journaling as a form of therapy.

Alex Elle is an author & wellness consultant living in the Washington, DC metro area with her husband and children. Writing came into her life by way of therapy and the exploration of healing through journaling. Quarterly, Alex teaches workshops and retreats centered around assisting others in finding their voices through storytelling, poetry, and narrative writing rooted in truth without shame. Her mission is to build community & self-care practices through literature & language. She is currently an author at Chronicle Books. Alex is the author of multiple books and journals, most recently After the Rain, Neon Soul, and Today I Affirm: A Journal That Nurtures Self-Care. She also hosts the hey, girl. Podcast.


Alex begins the episode by telling how she began her self care movement. She traces the journey all the way back to high school, when she saw her first therapist, and how she picked up the habit of journaling (her “emotional toolbox”) from there. She then shares her relationship with self care today. She speaks about how she wants the world to move away for the commercialized idea of self care. She debunks the idea of “retail therapy” and shares alternate ways to better your mental health. Many of her suggestions revolve around the idea of living in the moment even in mundane situations.


Next, Alex tells listeners about what she has been up to recently. She tells about her podcast, “hey, girl.” and her upcoming book After the Rain. While telling about these projects, she touches on her relationship with her mother and how it has intertwined with much of her work. She shares what it is like to be so vulnerable to the public when putting out these projects, and how her life has been changed because of it.


Lastly, Alex shares about her self care workshops. She goes over her motivations to make these courses affordable, and therefore accessible to a wide range of people, as well as what listeners could expect if they choose to enroll. 


Thank you so much for joining us this week at BeREAL. Be on the lookout for a brand new episode next Tuesday. In the meantime make sure to check out last week’s episode with Christine Guiterrez to hear her speak on soul healing.


For more information on Alex Elle or her many projects, visit the links below:


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alex_elle/


Website: http://www.alexelle.com/


For more information on The BeREAL Podcast and BeWELL Psychotherapy visit the links below. 


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