Adolescent Therapy


What is adolescent therapy? How does therapy support adolescent clients differently from others?

Adolescence refers to youths between the ages of 13 and 19. This is widely considered to be the transitional stage from childhood to adulthood. It is important to recognize that adolescence can be a time of both disorientation and discovery, and adolescent therapy can help ease the stress of this critical transition.

We have experience supporting adolescent clients who have issues during this pivotal time; these issues are often associated with:

  • Independence
  • Self-identity
  • Schooling
  • Sexuality
  • Drug and alcohol use
  • Social situations (peer groups, romantic interests, appearance, etc.)

Adolescent therapy is unique in that we recognize the transitional stage that youths are in and offer our customized support accordingly. There are many approaches to adolescent therapy; each therapist utilizes selected tools and techniques that are based upon the individual client’s specific needs.

Why should adolescents see a therapist?

Adolescents in therapy will be invited and encouraged to explore their own individual needs, which take into account the familial, platonic, romantic and relationships that may cause stress during this time.

In addition to undergoing a huge change from childhood to adulthood, here are some relationship statistics to consider: recent reports suggest that 35% of teens have some experience with dating or relationships. Of this 35%, nearly one third report being sexually active. Yet another study reports that a third of teens in relationships will experience abuse from their partner. Relationships are a lot to manage for anyone; adolescents find themselves tasked with finding themselves while forming deep connections with others.

In addition to these romantic relationships, relationships between parents and adolescents are crucial to healthy development; however, these relationships may naturally become strained by the changes that come with adolescence. Therapy provides the communication tools necessary to facilitate health and open dialogue.

As an adolescent, how do I know I’m with the right therapist for me?

You’ll find that the right therapist is genuinely engaged in the therapeutic relationship, this person will feel empathy for you as a client, and clearly communicate these attitudes toward you. This support will allow you to sift through the noise, gaining increased clarity as to what you want in life, uncovering important priorities as you shift into your adulthood.



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